Found My Brave

Music Video Version

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My Brave Album

My Brave was Kristen J. Lloyd’s first professionally produced album released in 2018. It is a powerful collection of original songs that celebrate the journey becoming independent, and finding the confidence and bravery to do so.

Find Your Brave Children’s Book

This charming story is about a girl who learns how to be brave thanks to her friend, Honeybee the cow. It is based on the author/Illustrator Kristen J. Lloyd’s experiences growing up and her real life friendship with a dairy cow named Honeybee. 

This is the perfect story to help your kids learn how to be Brave and to face their fears.

Connect With Kristen

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I strive to offer the best services that I can, and the best way to do that is to gather feedback on how I can improve. If you have any suggestions, comments, or criticisms, I would love to hear them!

*You will also receive a link to join the Brave Family Facebook Group.
